Kaltura API

Generic add entry using an uploaded file, should be used when the uploaded entry type is not known.
Input Params
Name Type Description Required Default Value
entry KalturaBaseEntry V
uploadTokenId string V
type 1 1
Output Type
Example HTTP Hit
JSON object:
{ entry: { objectType: "KalturaBaseEntry", name: "value", description: "value", userId: "value", creatorId: "value", tags: "value", adminTags: "value", categories: "value", categoriesIds: "value", type: "value", groupId: value, partnerData: "value", licenseType: value, accessControlId: value, startDate: value, endDate: value, referenceId: "value", partnerSortValue: value, conversionProfileId: value, redirectEntryId: "value", parentEntryId: "value", operationAttributes: [{ objectType: "KalturaOperationAttributes" }], entitledUsersEdit: "value", entitledUsersPublish: "value", templateEntryId: "value" }, uploadTokenId: "value", type: "value" }