Kaltura API

KalturaObjectBase Inherited from KalturaObjectBase
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
relatedObjects map of KalturaListResponse
KalturaFilter Inherited from KalturaFilter
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
orderBy KalturaMixEntryOrderBy V
advancedSearch KalturaSearchItem V
Inherited from KalturaRelatedFilter
KalturaBaseEntryBaseFilter Inherited from KalturaBaseEntryBaseFilter
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
idEqual string V This filter should be in use for retrieving only a specific entry (identified by its entryId).
idIn string V This filter should be in use for retrieving few specific entries (string should include comma separated list of entryId strings).
idNotIn string V
nameLike string V This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries. It should include only one string to search for in entry names (no wildcards, spaces are treated as part of the string).
nameMultiLikeOr string V This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries. It could include few (comma separated) strings for searching in entry names, while applying an OR logic to retrieve entries that contain at least one input string (no wildcards, spaces are treated as part of the string).
nameMultiLikeAnd string V This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries. It could include few (comma separated) strings for searching in entry names, while applying an AND logic to retrieve entries that contain all input strings (no wildcards, spaces are treated as part of the string).
nameEqual string V This filter should be in use for retrieving entries with a specific name.
partnerIdEqual int V This filter should be in use for retrieving only entries which were uploaded by/assigned to users of a specific Kaltura Partner (identified by Partner ID).
partnerIdIn string V This filter should be in use for retrieving only entries within Kaltura network which were uploaded by/assigned to users of few Kaltura Partners (string should include comma separated list of PartnerIDs)
userIdEqual string V This filter parameter should be in use for retrieving only entries, uploaded by/assigned to a specific user (identified by user Id).
userIdIn string V
creatorIdEqual string V
tagsLike string V This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries. It should include only one string to search for in entry tags (no wildcards, spaces are treated as part of the string).
tagsMultiLikeOr string V This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries. It could include few (comma separated) strings for searching in entry tags, while applying an OR logic to retrieve entries that contain at least one input string (no wildcards, spaces are treated as part of the string).
tagsMultiLikeAnd string V This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries. It could include few (comma separated) strings for searching in entry tags, while applying an AND logic to retrieve entries that contain all input strings (no wildcards, spaces are treated as part of the string).
adminTagsLike string V This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries. It should include only one string to search for in entry tags set by an ADMIN user (no wildcards, spaces are treated as part of the string).
adminTagsMultiLikeOr string V This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries. It could include few (comma separated) strings for searching in entry tags, set by an ADMIN user, while applying an OR logic to retrieve entries that contain at least one input string (no wildcards, spaces are treated as part of the string).
adminTagsMultiLikeAnd string V This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries. It could include few (comma separated) strings for searching in entry tags, set by an ADMIN user, while applying an AND logic to retrieve entries that contain all input strings (no wildcards, spaces are treated as part of the string).
categoriesMatchAnd string V
categoriesMatchOr string V All entries within these categories or their child categories.
categoriesNotContains string V
categoriesIdsMatchAnd string V
categoriesIdsMatchOr string V All entries of the categories, excluding their child categories. To include entries of the child categories, use categoryAncestorIdIn, or categoriesMatchOr.
categoriesIdsNotContains string V
categoriesIdsEmpty KalturaNullableBoolean V
statusEqual KalturaEntryStatus V This filter should be in use for retrieving only entries, at a specific {
statusNotEqual KalturaEntryStatus V This filter should be in use for retrieving only entries, not at a specific {
statusIn string V This filter should be in use for retrieving only entries, at few specific {
statusNotIn string V This filter should be in use for retrieving only entries, not at few specific {
moderationStatusEqual KalturaEntryModerationStatus V
moderationStatusNotEqual KalturaEntryModerationStatus V
moderationStatusIn string V
moderationStatusNotIn string V
typeEqual KalturaEntryType V
typeIn string V This filter should be in use for retrieving entries of few {
createdAtGreaterThanOrEqual int V This filter parameter should be in use for retrieving only entries which were created at Kaltura system after a specific time/date (standard timestamp format).
createdAtLessThanOrEqual int V This filter parameter should be in use for retrieving only entries which were created at Kaltura system before a specific time/date (standard timestamp format).
updatedAtGreaterThanOrEqual int V
updatedAtLessThanOrEqual int V
totalRankLessThanOrEqual int V
totalRankGreaterThanOrEqual int V
groupIdEqual int V
searchTextMatchAnd string V This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries while search match the input string within all of the following metadata attributes: name, description, tags, adminTags.
searchTextMatchOr string V This filter should be in use for retrieving specific entries while search match the input string within at least one of the following metadata attributes: name, description, tags, adminTags.
accessControlIdEqual int V
accessControlIdIn string V
startDateGreaterThanOrEqual int V
startDateLessThanOrEqual int V
startDateGreaterThanOrEqualOrNull int V
startDateLessThanOrEqualOrNull int V
endDateGreaterThanOrEqual int V
endDateLessThanOrEqual int V
endDateGreaterThanOrEqualOrNull int V
endDateLessThanOrEqualOrNull int V
referenceIdEqual string V
referenceIdIn string V
replacingEntryIdEqual string V
replacingEntryIdIn string V
replacedEntryIdEqual string V
replacedEntryIdIn string V
replacementStatusEqual KalturaEntryReplacementStatus V
replacementStatusIn string V
partnerSortValueGreaterThanOrEqual int V
partnerSortValueLessThanOrEqual int V
rootEntryIdEqual string V
rootEntryIdIn string V
parentEntryIdEqual string V
entitledUsersEditMatchAnd string V
entitledUsersEditMatchOr string V
entitledUsersPublishMatchAnd string V
entitledUsersPublishMatchOr string V
tagsNameMultiLikeOr string V
tagsAdminTagsMultiLikeOr string V
tagsAdminTagsNameMultiLikeOr string V
tagsNameMultiLikeAnd string V
tagsAdminTagsMultiLikeAnd string V
tagsAdminTagsNameMultiLikeAnd string V
KalturaBaseEntryFilter Inherited from KalturaBaseEntryFilter
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
freeText string V
isRoot KalturaNullableBoolean V
categoriesFullNameIn string V
categoryAncestorIdIn string V All entries within this categoy or in child categories
redirectFromEntryId string V The id of the original entry
KalturaPlayableEntryBaseFilter Inherited from KalturaPlayableEntryBaseFilter
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
lastPlayedAtGreaterThanOrEqual int V
lastPlayedAtLessThanOrEqual int V
durationLessThan int V
durationGreaterThan int V
durationLessThanOrEqual int V
durationGreaterThanOrEqual int V
durationTypeMatchOr string V
Inherited from KalturaPlayableEntryFilter
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
Sub classes: KalturaMixEntryFilter